Source code for Opt_HC_CG.hill

import time
import random
import numpy as np

[docs]def distance_matrix(coordinate): """ calculate the distance among each suggest solution point input: coordinate[array]: array containig the points to be visited outputs: matrix[array]: nxn array with distances among solution points """ matrix = [] for i in range(len(coordinate)): for j in range(len(coordinate)) : p = np.linalg.norm(coordinate[i] - coordinate[j]) matrix.append(p) matrix = np.reshape(matrix, (len(coordinate),len(coordinate))) #print(matrix) return matrix
def random_solution(matrix, initial_point): """ create a random solution with the places to be visited input: matrix[array]: distance between points initial_point[integer]: number of the place to be visited first output: temp_solution[list]: creates random solution """ points = list(range(0, len(matrix))) solution = [initial_point] points.remove(initial_point) for i in range(0, len(matrix)-1): random_point = points[random.randint(0, len(points) - 1)] solution.append(random_point) points.remove(random_point) return solution
[docs]def calculate_distance(matrix, solution): """ returns the distance associated with a solution input: matrix[array]: distance between points solution[list]: contains a propose random solution output: distance[float]: distance cover a propose solution """ distance = 0 for i in range(0, len(solution)): distance += matrix[solution[i]][solution[i - 1]] return distance
[docs]def neighbors(matrix, solution): """ create neighbors of a propose solution input: matrix[array]: distance between points solution[list]: contains a propose random solution output: best_neighbor[list]: contains the best neighbor of he current solution best_path[float]: distance cover by the best_neighbor route """ neighbors = [] for i in range(len(solution)): for j in range(i + 1, len(solution)): neighbor = solution.copy() neighbor[i] = solution[j] neighbor[j] = solution[i] neighbors.append(neighbor) best_neighbor = neighbors[0] best_path = calculate_distance(matrix, best_neighbor) for neighbor in neighbors: current_path = calculate_distance(matrix, neighbor) if current_path < best_path: best_path = current_path best_neighbor = neighbor return best_neighbor, best_path
[docs]def best_solution(coordinate, initial_point = 0, tolerance = 1e-7): """ finds an optimal solution for the TSP problem using hill climbing algorithm input: points: coordinates of the places to be visited initial_point[integer]: number of the place to be visited first tolerance[float]: value that indicates the solution is not improving outputs: bst_distance[float]: distance of the best route best_sol[list]: order the places to be visted in the optimal solution time[float]: time that take the algorithm to obtain the solution """ start_time = time.time() matrix = distance_matrix(coordinate) current_solution = random_solution(matrix, initial_point) current_path = calculate_distance(matrix, current_solution) neighbor = neighbors(matrix,current_solution)[0] best_neighbor, best_neighbor_path = neighbors(matrix, neighbor) while best_neighbor_path < current_path: while abs(best_neighbor_path - current_path) > tolerance: current_solution = best_neighbor current_path = best_neighbor_path neighbor = neighbors(matrix, current_solution)[0] best_neighbor, best_neighbor_path = neighbors(matrix, neighbor) return current_path, current_solution, time.time() - start_time