
mex.simplex.problem_definition.maxz(matrix, aux=True)[source]

Creates maximization function. Determines if 1 extra pivot is required, locates the pivot element, pivots about it and continues the process until all negative elements have been removed from the last column and row.


matrix (numpy array) – problem matrix with constraints and objective function added.


(dict) A dictionary with Max and variables.

>>> problem_matrix = create_matrix(2,3)   # 2 variables and 3 constraints
>>> constrain(problem_matrix,'1,L,4')     # x_1 <= 4
>>> constrain(problem_matrix,'0,2,L,12')  # 2x_2 <= 12
>>> constrain(problem_matrix,'4,2,G,18')  # 4x_1 + 2x_2 >= 18
>>> obj(problem_matrix,'3,5,0')           # 3x_1 + 5x_2
>>> maxz(problem_matrix)
{'x1': 4.0, 'x2': 6.0, 'max': 42.0}